Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Comments To Write In A Guest Book

Paperback published about saber-toothed cats

Video: "Sabretooth Tiger" from "TvAnimals" on Youtube

Wiesbaden (saber-tooth cat-blog) - Saber-toothed cats and dagger toothed cats in a paperback "saber-toothed cats" of the Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst in words and pictures presented. The paperback contains 328 pages, presents numerous illustrations and costs EUR 24.99. It is published in "GRIN for academic texts".

In GRIN is the title of "saber-toothed cats" available as an inexpensive e-book, with "Amazon" and "Libri" soon as printed edition. Ernst Probst also originate from the paperbacks "The Ur-Rhine" and "cave lions" in which it is partly also about saber-toothed cats.

In separate chapters deals with the saber-toothed cats Machairodus, Homotherium and Xenosmilus and the dagger-toothed cats Paramachairodus, Megantereon and Smilodon. Machairodus, Homotherium, Paramachairodus Megantereon and are also listed in Germany finds.

The paperback "saber-toothed cats" lists the most important sites of saber-toothed cats and dagger-toothed cats from Germany, Austria and Switzerland and the rest of the world.


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