Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reebok Xt Pro Skates Review

Pocketbook on saber-toothed cats

saber-toothed tiger Machairodus aphanistus from the Miocene about ten million years ago. Drawing: Pavel Major, (saber-tooth cat-blog) Dinotherium-Museum-Eppelsheim

Wiesbaden - In Germany, once hunted fearsome saber-toothed cats and dagger toothed cats. This is demonstrated by finds of teeth and bones of these big cats in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse and Thuringia. More on this in the paperback "saber-toothed cats. Machairodus of up to Smilodon "the Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst. So far,

one in Germany, fossil remains of saber-toothed cats (formerly called saber-toothed tiger) Machairodus aphanistus, Homotherium crenatidens, Homotherium latidens and the dagger-toothed cats Paramachairodus ogygius, Paramachairodus orientalis and Megantereon crenatidens discovered. Of this, the great lion Machairodus aphanistus and only about half as large Paramachairodus ogygius already about 10 million years ago at the original river Rhine.

saber-toothed cats and dagger-toothed cats have fascinated people ever in the world. These big cats and, in extreme cases up to 28 inches long canines are among the best known prehistoric mammals. The first of them already in the Miocene drove around 15 million Years on our "Blue Planet". The last disappeared towards the end of the Ice Age 11,700 years ago, forever out of nature.

The paperback "saber-toothed cats" up in Germany, Europe, Africa, Asia and America discovered species of saber-toothed cats and dagger-toothed cats and other prehistoric predators in word and picture: namely, Mosbacher lions, cave lions, European jaguars, leopards, snow leopards, cheetahs and cougars.

The idea for this paperback about saber-toothed cats matured during the search for the title "The Ur-Rhine. Rheinhessen ten million years "and" cave lions. Wild cats in Ice Age "by Ernst Probst. For this it was often to saber-toothed cats and dagger toothed cats.

The paperback "saber-toothed cats", Professor Dr. Helmut Hemmer of Mainz, Thomas Keller from Wiesbaden and Dick Mol of Hoofddorp (Netherlands) perspectives. Professor Dr. Helmut Hemmer is an internationally renowned expert in fossil cats and was formerly at the Zoological Institute of the University of Mainz active. Dr. Thomas Keller works as a paleontologist at the State Conservation Office in Wiesbaden, Hessen and has made outstanding contributions to the study of the Mosbach sands and its fossil fauna. Dick Mol is an expert on fossil mammals from the ice age (especially Mammoth) from Hoofddorp (Netherlands). All three have often helped the author with great patience during the research for different books.

Ernst Probst has published over 30 books and paperbacks. Best known are his works of "Germany in prehistoric times", "Germany in the Stone Age", "Germany in the Bronze Age," "records of ancient times", "Records of prehistoric man," "Walking in Germany" (with Raymund Windolf) "monsters on the track" and "The Cave".


order of the pocket book "saber-toothed cats"


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