Friday, December 24, 2010

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predatory dinosaurs from A to Z

small predatory dinosaurs Juravenator from Bavaria - Drawing: Nobu Tamura


science author Ernst Probst wrote pocketbook on carnivorous dinosaurs

Munich / Wiesbaden (animal world) - predatory dinosaurs from A to Z presented in the same Paperback of the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst. In each robbery dinosaur species, we learn what their scientific name is based. There follow details of the size, the temporal and geographic occurrence, and the systematic position of the first scientific description. "Predatory dinosaurs from A to Z" describes more than 170 meat-eating Species of "terrible lizards" from Abelisaurus to Zupaysaurus.

The comprehensive 418 pages paperback "predatory dinosaurs from A to Z" is lavishly illustrated. It shows photos of fossils, and Biographies of predatory dinosaurs such as Allosaurus, Compsognathus, Gigantosaurus, Juravenator, Spinosaurus, Tyrannosaurus or Tarbosaurus. A special feast for the eyes of drawings of the Paläoartisten Dmitry Bogdanov from Russia and Nobu Tamura from the U.S.. This

Paperback According Spinosaurus (German: Thorn lizard) from Africa with a length up to 18 meters, the largest predator dinosaurs. But his head reached a length up to 1.75 meters. Spinosaurus has only 13 meters long and five meters high Tyrannosaurus rex ("king of the tyrant lizards") dethroned from North America as the largest predatory dinosaurs. Similarly impressive as was the Tyrannosaurus also 13 meters long Giganotosaurus in Argentina.

Ernst Probst has made numerous popular science books have a name. Known works by him are: "Germany in the primeval," "records of ancient times. Landscapes, plants and animals, "" Walking in Germany. From Efraasia to Stenopelix "," Dinosaurs from A to K "," Dinosaurs from M to Z, "" The Ur-Rhine, "" The Rhine-elephant " "Germany in the Ice Age," "The Lion Mosbacher" "cave lions", "The Cave Lion", "saber-toothed cats," "The Cave", "monster on the track", "Nessie. The Monster Book "," monkey man "and" sea monster ".

orders of e-books or pocket book "predatory dinosaurs from A to Z" with "GRIN for academic texts": a-to-z


The Wiesbaden author Ernst Probst has more than 100 books, Pocket books, pamphlets, museum guides and e-books published. He wrote popular scientific works, especially from the fields of paleontology and archeology as well as biographies about famous women and men.

Paleontology: Germany in the primitive times, records of prehistoric times, dinosaurs in Germany (1993 with Raymund Windolf), Archaeopteryx, dinosaurs in Germany. Of Compsognathus to Stenopelix (2010), Dinosaurs from A to K, dinosaurs from M to Z, predatory dinosaurs from A to Z, Germany during the ice age, the great-Rhine, When Mainz was not yet on the Rhine, The Rhine-Elephant , claws animals at Ur-Rhine, the great apes-Rhine, saber-toothed tiger on Ur-Rhine, cave lions, cave lion, the Mosbacher lion, saber-toothed cats, the cave bear

Archaeology: Germany in the stone age, records of early man, Germany in the Bronze Age, the Bronze Age, The Unetice Culture, The Straubinger Culture, The Eagle Mountain group, The Barrow-Bronze Age, The Lüneburg group in the Bronze Age, The Stade group in the Bronze Age The Nordic Bronze Age, the urnfield culture, the Lusatian culture

cryptozoology: ape-man, Nessie. The monster book, monsters on the track, sea monsters

Bios: 14 paperbacks on super women, three queens of the skies in Bayern (together with Josef Eimannsberger), women in space, queens of the skies, queens of the skies from A to Z. biographies of famous pilots inside, balloon racers, balloon inside, parachute jumpers and astronaut, queens of the skies in Germany, queens of the skies in France, queens of the airs in England, Australia and New Zealand, queens of the skies in Europe, queens of the skies in America, Theo Lederer. An aircraft collector from Upper Bavaria, queen of dance, super women from the Wild West, Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsrück and Odenwald, My words are like the stars. The speech of Chief Seattle and other Indian wisdom (together with Sonja Probst), Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, Mary Stuart. Scotland's tragic queen, Machbuba. The slave and the Prince, Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride Schinderhannes, about 70 short biographies about famous female pilots, balloon racers, inner balloon, parachute jumpers, while women and female cosmonaut

aphorisms: The ball is a bastard. Wisdom and follies of football, words are like weapons. Wisdom and folly of the media (both together with Doris Probst, silence is not always gold. Quotes from A to Z

Most of these items are in GRIN for academic Texts published and available in more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookstore.

GRIN, with offices in Munich, has specialized since its foundation in 1998 to the publication of academic texts. The publishing side is to present to students, lecturers and other academics the ideal platform for their technical texts, research papers, theses or dissertations to a wide audience.

Monday, December 6, 2010

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The cave lion

Munich / Wiesbaden (animal world) - With long tail up to 3.20 meters, maximum 1.50 meters high and is estimated that more than 300 kilograms was difficult for the European Cave Lion (Panthera leo spelaea). Thanks to this impressive extent can this cat out of the ice age 10,000 years ago about 300,000 to doubt as the "King of the Animals" call. The European cave lion is next to the mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) and the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus) as one of the largest animals of the Ice Ages. He is at the center of the 144-page pocket book "The cave lion" of the Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst. This is an excerpt from the 332-page book "Lion Cave" in which even the Mosbacher lion (Panthera leo fossilis), was from the European cave lion, and the American Cave Lion (Panthera leo atrox) and the East Siberian cave lion (Panthera leo vereshchagini) presented werden.Aus written by Ernst Probst are among others the pocket books "Germany in the Ice Age," "The Lion Mosbacher. The giant cat from Wiesbaden "," The Cave "," saber-toothed cats. Machairodus of up to Smilodon "and" saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine. Machairodus and Paramachairodus.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Steven Johnson: Where do good ideas come from

with German subtitles

Sunday, November 28, 2010

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Major General of the German Border Police, 1960

On the left picture is Major-General Hermann Gartner to see as head of the Central German border police. He tägt the double-breasted uniform jacket. Law, his successor, Major General Paul Ludwig, he carries a four-pocket coat. recognize

On the double-breasted uniform output clearly the Collar in gold-colored hand embroidery, cap gold oak leaves from anodized aluminum. In recognition of this major general with the decoration of the VP, Loyalty Services - MSM, 5 and 10 years as a fighter against fascism medal clasp.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

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winter uniforms of the DGP for the Border Service, 1952-1961

was from 1952, the first major changes to the border guards in their uniforms, effects and equipment. They were now as German border police to the Ministry of State Security. The most significant is probably the new uniform of khaki in color, cut equal to those of the barracks People's Police.

The examples of winter uniforms, the typical appearance of the borders of 1952 and 1961. To a uniformity of effects and equipment in these years not to think. One reason is the repeated switching to different ministries, a second, the introduction of new effects in a modified version. Shown in this uniform example illustrates how it distinguished the boundaries of these years. These transitional periods accompanied the German border police in all the years of its existence. Early 50's, among others were also captured weapons the Red Army as the 98K from Army stocks in use.

One innovation was the newly introduced ski cap with fold-down ear parts. She was inspired in 1943 when the German army introduced field cap M43. Khaki-colored ski mask and especially the winter coats are today virtually impossible to find. These pieces were also applied some time after the dissolution of the German Border Police Service. Removed and worn pieces were destroyed or fell to the paper mills as raw material to the victims. In my opinion, one of the rarest of the uniforms of the early GDR and get on the fast-developing market collectors sometimes very large sums.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Five new books about dinosaurs

predatory dinosaurs Juravenator. Drawing: Nobu Tamura
Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst is "terrible lizards" from

Munich / Wiesbaden (animal world) - Five new books about dinosaurs from the pen of the Wiesbaden-based science writer Ernst Probst are now at "GRIN for academic texts, Munich, available as a printed paperback or inexpensive e-book in PDF format. They are called "dinosaurs in Germany," "Walking in Baden-Württemberg", "Dinosaurs in Lower Saxony", "Dinosaurs from A to K" and "dinosaur from L to Z ".

The 104-page book, "Dinosaurs in Germany" (ISBN 978-3-640-73202-9) is available from Germany so far known dinosaurs. A total of 19 dinosaur genera are described: Compsognathus, Efraasia, Elephantopoides, Emausaurus, Europasaurus, Gresslyosaurus, Halticosaurus, Hypsilophodon, Iguanodon, Juravenator, Lexovisaurus, Liliensternus, Megalosaurus, Ohmdenosaurus, Plateosaurus, Procompsognathus, Rotundichnus, Sellosaurus, Stenopelix. Most of these dinosaurs come from Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria.

"dinosaurs in Baden-Württemberg" (ISBN 978-3-640-74435-0) describes in 57 pages eight genera of the "terrible Lizards: Efraasia, Gresslyosaurus, Halticosaurus, Liliensternus, Ohmdenosaurus, Plateosaurus, Procompsognathus, Sellosaurus. Of these, at up to ten meters long plant-eating Plateosaurus ("Flat lizard") of the best known. From him we have discovered so many skeletal remains that he is nicknamed 'Swabian dragon "or" German dragon "called.

"dinosaurs in Lower Saxony" (ISBN 978-3-640-74437-4) presents profiles of the 71 sites previously known nine genera of the "terrible lizards" from Ontario: Elephantopoides, Europasaurus, Iguanodon, Lexovisaurus, Megalosauripus, Megalosaurus, Plateosaurus , Rotundichnus, Stenopelix. Some of them are detected only by footprints, which provided the largest of an estimated 15-meter-long dinosaur elephant with a small head, long neck and tail, with elephant-like legs.

total of over 400 dinosaurs in the two books, "Dinosaurs from A to K" (ISBN 978-3-640-73037-6) and "Dinosaurs from M to Z" (978-3-640-74060-4) presented, each comprising more than 470 pages (together about 950 pages). For each dinosaur species, we learn what their scientific name is based. There follow details of the size, the temporal and geographical occurrence, the systematic position and of the first scientific description.

All five books about dinosaurs contain numerous photographs and drawings. A feast for the eyes are the living images of Paläoartisten Dmitry Bogdanov (Russia), Nobu Tamura (USA) and Mariana Ruiz Villiarreal (Germany).

Ernst Probst has provided more than 100 books, paperbacks, published pamphlets, museum guides, and e-books. His specialties include popular scientific works from the fields of paleontology and archeology. Famous works: "Records of the primeval," "Records of prehistoric man", "Archaeopteryx. The first bird from Bavaria, "" The Ur-Rhine, "" The Rhine-Elephant "," saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine, "" apes on Ur-Rhine "," Germany in the Ice Age, "" The Mosbacher Lion "," cave lions "," saber-toothed cats "," The Cave Bear ".

Ernst Probst also wrote many books about famous women such as "super women from the Wild West," "Elizabeth I Tudor. The Virgin Queen, "" Mary Stuart. Scotland's tragic Queen, "" Machbuba. The slave and the Prince "," Julchen Blasius. The Robber Bride the Schinderhannes "," Hildegard of Bingen. The German prophetess "," queen of the skies from A to Z, "" queen of the skies in Germany "," Christl-Marie Schultes. The first female aviator in Bavaria "(with Theo Lederer).

All titles are published in "GRIN for academic texts and available in more than 1,000 online bookstores as well as in any good bookstore.

GRIN, with offices in Munich, has specialized since its foundation in 1998 to the publication of academic texts. The publishing side is for students, teachers and other academics the ideal platform for their technical texts, research papers, theses or dissertations to a wide audience.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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Paperback "apes the original Rhine "

Munich / Wiesbaden (animal world) - were living on the banks of the ancient Rhine in the Miocene, about ten million years at least three genera of great apes. Paidopithex, Rhenopithecus and Dryopithecus. Of those animals have been discovered in the Eppelsheim and Wissberg in Gau-Weinheim fossil bones and teeth. About this sensational finds the paperback informed "apes on Ur-Rhine" of the Wiesbaden science author Ernst Probst. He has written the pocket books "records of ancient times. Landscapes, plants and Animals "," The Ur-Rhine. Rheinhessen ten million years ago "," saber-toothed cats. Machairodus of up to Smilodon "," saber-toothed tiger in the Ur-Rhine. Machairodus and Paramachairodus "and" The Rhine-elephant. The horrors of animal Eppelsheim. Is dedicated to the paperback paleontologist Dr. Jens Lorenz Franzen in Titisee-Neustadt, former mayor Heiner Roos Eppelsheim and the Mayor Ute Klenk-Kaufmann Eppelsheim, which - each in his own way - to the study of animal life at great-Rhein and around have made the construction of a "Dinotherium Museum" in Eppelsheim deserves.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

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board uniform - winter for a top sailors of the Border Police - Lake - 1955/56

Here one of many possible variations of board service uniform is shown, which have been carried on the border and coastal defense boats these years. Remarkably, of course, the Webpelzmütze the 50s. There are as different variants in terms of form and color. There was also the blue quilted cotton jacket is available in different patterns and designs.

The shoulder boards have in those years still on the dark blue color guns, even when the border police - the lake. You are in this version with pieces of the People's Police - Lake and the early Naval identical. The bar consists of the top sailors from metal filament fabric.

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sailor of the Border Police - Lake - 1958

This uniform ensemble with the long version of the Colani may have been worn in the main area. This type Colani is observed more often in photographs of the early years of these organs. The shoulder flaps of the sailors have been on the light green color weapons that about the year 1958 when the border police - was introduced in the lake. Interestingly, the collar patches of pale green Trim cloth made.

The plate cap with a removable lid and the silver-colored, printed hat band bearing the words "Border Police of the GDR." From the hat band existed several variants in the font type and color.

Should I for some readers here the collector's interest in these early uniforms of the border police - have raised the lake, everyone should note ensthaft interested in the following items:
The effects and especially the hat bands of the Border Police - lake are extremely rare! And thus little or hardly to be found on the collectors market. So be careful when buying such items, such as at flea markets.

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service uniform for a staff sailors of the 6th Border Brigade Coast - September / October 1961

In September 1961, was similar to the German border police - the country, the border police - Lake in the area of the Interior assumed removed, and the MfnV. It was as 6 Border Brigade Volkamarine angegliedert.Auf coast of the uniforms had little effect, there were the pieces of the border police - carried on the lake. It was only a change of green to blue collar mirror Stücke.Ab September, a new hat band bearing the words "Border Brigade Coast introduced. The first copies were printed in yellow. Probably it caused great difficulty in the shortest time to obtain the necessary quantities at the manufacturing plant. Therefore, we helped them first with the pressure - pieces.

was also in 1961 the black / red / gold - cockade against those with DDR - shared sovereignty emblem. The career rank badges and bars, as well as the insignia for special education are still in the production version of the late 50s.

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output uniform - summer for a Chief Petty Officer of the Border Police Lake 1960/61

The output is taken here in this example already the black silk scarf. To the exit and also conferred awards to the parade were worn, as here, the contactor cord for shooting with artillery. Even for a machine - Petty, it was possible to achieve this. The shooting line is the same variant, as in 1957 introduced for the naval forces, provided only with an additional green passage.
Unfortunately I do not know how many copies to members of the Border Police - Lake were awarded at the time. Many people may not have been.

On the left sleeve insignia with the career grade is available for the badge Motor period and the service angle for at least 3 years.